Crockett High School Class of '78 Wiki / Recent Events
David Crockett High School, Austin, Texas, in the heart of South Austin
From 2015
Classmate Gary Faust passed on Tuesday, February 17, 2015.
Here is a wiki page with some resources detailing his life and influence.
From 2011
Classmate Debbie Housworth Hall passed on Wednesday, September 7, 2011. Here is her obituary in the Statesman, and a memorial service celebrating Debbie's life was held at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at the Zilker Park Botanical Gardens.
Debbie was a former TxDOT employee, and a supervisor there marked her passing as follows:
I regret to inform you of the untimely passing of a former member of the TxDOT family, Debbie (Houseworth) Hall. Debbie was 51 and died following a short period of illness.
Debbie was a proud member of the "Houseworth Branch" of the TxDOT family tree, having served for 21 years in the RTI Office, Research Library; Debbie's father Jack Houseworth, Sr., P.E. retired from the TPP division of TxDOT after 28 years of service; Debbie's brother, Jack Houseworth, Jr. worked for 11 years as an Austin district surveyor; and Debbie's sister, Pam McDavid completes the family connection with TxDOT and is currently serving in her 25th year with the Right of Way division.
Celebration of Debbie's life will take place at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 11th at the Botanical Gardens (Zilker Park) located at 2220 Barton Springs Road in Austin.
Please keep Debbie and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
John Rader's brother Paul, Class of '77, passed on Tuesday, 10/4. In Memoriam
From 2010
Lenora (Post) Carlson (CHS Class of '79) passed on Friday, July 30th. (Houston Chronicle notice)
Classmate Scott McKinney passed on Monday, July 26, 2010 (Statesman notice).
Scott made the 30-year reunion and appears in the video footage from Saturday night for about a minute beginning at 6:00 (six minutes into the footage). To view, click here for the images page, then scroll down; said video footage is second from the bottom..
From October, 2009
Teresa (Hemphill) McCarty's dad passed on Saturday, 10/10.
John Rader's oldest brother Ted passed on Friday, 10/9. In Memoriam
Tammy Seymour's youngest brother Jon (Class of 1982) died in a motorcycle accident on Camp Ben McCullough Road on Saturday, 10/3. In Memoriam
From Summer, 2009
The Class of '79 had their thirty-year reunion this past Father's Day weekend. Head over here to see their planning page, reunion details, pics, etc. FYI, they had a golf tournament on Saturday morning (6/20) and allowed a team from our class to enter, and durned if the wise old men from the Class of '78 didn't card a 57 and walk away with the Big Enchilada! Congratulations to Tom McKinney, Joe Jackson, Mark Proctor, and young Jeff Shepperd!
Watch out, HEB! Click here to read about Rusty Euresti's latest business venture in Buda.
From November, 2008
Brian Pierce's son Chad was severely injured in an auto-pedestrian accident; click here and read bottom-up for how things unfolded..
Things south of this point were posted in 2007..
Click the button to go to the page..
Caren Wallace hosted a party at her home on Saturday, 8/25/07.
Crockett's Homecoming football game was Friday, 10/5/07, and Liz Wright hosted a party at her home nearby to coincide with that event.
Saturday night at the Spoke / Sunday at Kim (Ellison) Myers'..
Here's the crew from the August Party
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and here's a shot from the cheap seats at Homecoming
and then there was this craziness in April..
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